Calendar Info and Instructions
Please keep in mind that this will be a 2025 calendar. If you are purchasing a day to send someone a birthday message in December, and they’re turning 30 in 2024, you will want to make sure your message either doesn’t specify their age, or specifies 31st birthday.
If You Are Selecting a Photo
If you want to select a photo from our gallery, review the photos here (will open in a new tab), find the number of your desired photo, and enter in the form on this page.
If You Want to Supply Your Own Image
If you want your own photo(s) included, upload them using the form and do not enter a photo number. You can also use a logo if you prefer (eg, if you are advertising for a business). In your message, you may like to include a coupon code or something like "10% off if you mention Light at the Lighthouse". Don't forget to include validity dates, keeping in mind this is a 2025 calendar.
If You Want a Message With Your Image
If you want a message to appear with your image, you may include it in the section that says “Write your message”. Messages are limited to 125 or 350 characters if you choose Day or Week due to limited space. A message is not required. You may simply choose, or supply, a photo or other image if you prefer. Or, you may supply an image with text already on it.
If you are a church or business purchasing a month, we recommend that most of the text be at the bottom of the image (see sample page below for reference). You may want to include your business name, website, address, phone number, service times, business hours, short message, Bible verse, or other information. We will work to incorporate your message in the most visually appealing way, and we are happy to have your input, but we reserve the right to approve the final design.
Choosing Your Date(s)
When you select either Day, Week, or Month, you will then be given the corresponding dropdown menu to select your date(s).
DAY: If you are choosing a single day, keep in mind that this is a 2025 calendar. The calendar that pops up starts in 2024, so you will need to change the year to 2025. If any date is grayed out and you can’t select it, it’s because it has already been chosen by someone else. Keep in mind that your space is limited to approximately one square inch, so your photo will likely need to be cropped, and your message size will be limited.
WEEK: Remember that you are purchasing the entire week, so the options shown in the menu give the range of dates for that week. A week is Sunday through Saturday. When you choose a week, you will be given the option to upload a second image. If the week range you want does not appear in the list, that means it has already been selected by someone else.
MONTH: When you select Month, the dropdown will give you the available month options. If it does not appear in the list, it’s because someone has already chosen it. For Month in particular, it is very important for the image you supply to be high resolution. If you aren’t sure if yours is high enough, you can either email us at latl.calendar2020@gmail.com, or just upload the photo and we’ll let you know.
ALL DATES: We are doing our best to keep this updated and accurate, but if you happen to be able to select a date that was already chosen by someone else, we will contact you and let you know that a different date will need to be selected.
If you want more than one entry in the calendar (for example, you want to purchase both a day, and a different week, or two separate weeks), you will need to fill out the form one time for each purchase.
To choose your day, week, or month, first select the corresponding payment option. The appropriate drop down menu will then appear. If the day, week, or month you want does not appear in the list, it has already been selected by someone else. You may make a different selection.
By uploading a photo, you agree to the photo being used in the Light at the Lighthouse commemorative calendar. You also agree to allow the photo to be edited if needed, but only insofar as is necessary for the photo to fit properly in the given space.
If you have questions or need help, send an email to latl.calendar20@gmail.com
This image is not necessarily representative of the actual final design of the calendar. It is meant to give you an idea of what you are paying for when you get a day, week or month. The month image is the church at the top. For an example of a week, look at the week of January 19. For a day, look at the 7th, 9th, etc.